Saturday, June 25

bla bla bla bla.

Time senang lupe diri,
Time susah pandai la kaw jage diri ye.
Malas aq nak layan orang yang lupe diri nie -,-'.

Aq minta kaw tu jangan lupe diri sangat, sedar diri kaw tu sape.
Setiap manusia semua same je kecuali manusia macam kaw nie la.


Friday, June 24

IPD Seri Alam

Assalamualaikum, tdy pgy skola aq ade majlis hari kor kadet polis kat IPD Seri Alam. Aq dgn 39 org yg lain ikut dalam majlis nie. Kiteorg gy IPD tu naik bus skola yg berwarna oren, nmpk dari luar cantik tgk dari dalam bus tu aircond rosak, kursi busuk, wuueek~! xtahan aq. 
Selama 10minit menuju ke IPD tu kiteorg amek2 gmbr kat dalam bus. Sial Gemok amek gmbr aq time aq nga tido -,-' . Then, lepas smpai kat IPD tu aq nmpk bdk2 skola lain yg smart2 mcm aq >,< & lawa2, tpi sorg pun aq xngorak sbb aq setia menunggu seseorg nie >,< !
Dah jalan msuk, letak beg n beratur. Kiteorg kne berbaris mmbentuk segi empat agar kelihat cantik :D.
Then, ade pulak Pakcik n Makcik becakap kat depan, lme pulak tu -,-' . Aq kne berdiri selama 2jam dgr dyorg becakap, mcm org gile aq berdiri tgh pnas n bsing2 kat blkng dgn Si Bobo tu.
Da la mls aq nk cite psal tu -,- . Lepas bnde tu abes, aq lepak dgn kwan2 aq n bdk2 pmpuan dari SMKTM ^^ . Aq amek gmbr dgn ramai pmpuan ary nie smpai xleh snyum aq dibuatnye -,- . Da amek gmbr ape smue, kiteorg pun blek. Tamat!

Saturday, June 18

Month to month, and day to day.

I love you.
Enough to fight for you, compromise for you, and sacrifice my self for you if need be. 
Enough to miss you incredibly when we're apart, no matter what length of time it's for and regardless of the distance.
Enough to believe in our relationship, to stand by it through the worse of times, to have faith in our strength as a couple, and to never give up on us.
Enough to spend the rest of my life with you, be there for you when you need or want me, and never, ever want to leave you or live without you.

I love you so much.

Friday, June 3

Hangout :D

Pada hari Rabu bersamaan 1/6/2011 ahli-ahli Nervosa Community telah melepak di Jusco untuk mengisi mase cuti selama 2 minggu nie -.-' . Cuti 2 minggu nie kiteorang xtau nk buat ape sbb tu la kiteorang lepak kat Jusco lari daripada membuat kerja rumah, HEHE :D . Nie la gambar-gambar nye :

Menunggu utk membeli tiket wayang tpi rmai giler

Da xde keje asek jln pusing2 1 Jusco duduk kat escalator amek gmbr kat situ ;P

Time nie tersinggah kat PADINI xde duet byk nk beli item dlm tu amek gmbr nie pun jdy la, HAHAHA :D

Time nie pulak tgh tnggu bdk2 bongok lembab mcm siput mkn kat food cort alang2 amek gmbr skali la da boring sgt tnggu bdk2 nie -.-' .

And then aq berjalan di tmpt parking menuju ke Diamond Bowling utk bermain bowling sbb wayang penuh xjdy la aq tgk wayang, aq berjalan sendirian xde spe nk menemani aq seperti mereka berdua.

fullstop this.

Si Hebat bersama Si Hubat berjalan menuju ke Diamond Bowling utk berlawan bowling kerana Si Noob palat xdpt tgk wayang sbb rmai giler, HAHAHA :D


Nie lah Si Hebat yg hebat bermain bowling :

opss.. ternampak suda -.-' . Tpi dye mmg hebat ;P

Nie pulak Si Hubat yg memcabar aq utk berlawan :

Lihat lah markah yg aq dpt di pertengahan perlawanan :

J means JunioR, that's me. Me got 44 marks this time.

BTW, i'm feel happy and not. I feel happy because I hangout with my friend :D . Not happy because no GF accompany me at this day :( .

Thanks You For Reading My Blog Already ;)