Tuesday, February 28

Assalamualaikum reader , korang sihatkan? Alhamdulillah bagi yang sihat and bagi yang tak sihat tu sila la makan ubat ye. Hari ahad 26/2/2012 aku pergi City Square dengan kawan2 aku nak tengok wayang sambil amek gambar sekali untuk DP baru Facebook kitorang. Nie la dia gambar DP baru kitorang, sebenarnye tak janji pun nak pakai baju hitam tapi semua pakai baju hitam time tu. Memang terbaik la! Tengok bawah nie :

 It's me Erwan Ezwan!

 This is Nizam Katman!

This is Farhan Tulimin!

 This is Syafiq Omar!

And the last one is Haikal Hamir!

See cantikkan background kitorang warna hitam? Korang ada? Tak adakan? So diam2 ye . Aku rasa, sekarang aku da start gila bergambar aku pun tak tahu kenapa, haha. Okay la, nanti kalau aku ada free kita jumpe lagi! Kbye~

Saturday, February 25

Assalamualaikum reader :), aku just nak bagi tahu yang aku baru beli iPhone siap cover warna biru lagi . Sorry la kalau aku jakun, alah kalau aku jakun pun ape salahnye nie iPhone aku bukan iPhone kau. Nie ha dia iPhone aku saje nak snap benda nie . Tengok bawah nie :

Adik aku please jangan jealous ye, hahaha . Aku beli iPhone nie sebab banyak function dia, contoh ade Twitter yang pertama, Skype, Facebook and Simsimi . Aku rase nie je kot aku nak post . Okay la, next update kita jumpe lagi . Assalamualaikum . Kbye!

Monday, February 20


Ever heard of the song Just The Way You Are? If your answer is no, then please, do yourself a favor and just jump off the cliff. Seriously. The thing is that, since this song came out, a huge number of female population out there wants Bruno to be their partner. Yucks.

Just The Way You Are is just another chick-flick song written to attract his target-audience, who? All you girls out there of course! (and well of course, i'm no exception.tee hee.) If you really listen to it, this song ain't much different if compared to One In A Million by Ne-yo. (again, if you haven't heard of this, find the nearest building to jump off.) Honestly, how would you know that partner of yours is the "one in a million"? Have you been dating ninehundredninetyninethousandninehundredninetynine girls before you found this one? No. So there, bullcrap.

Back to Bruno, now, just last year, he made a song called Grenade. (needless to say, if you haven't heard this one, please just stab yourself) Now this song right here, is one of those typical "lautan-api-sanggup-ku-renangi" types of songs. Take a lighter, burn one of his fingers, if he rejects, then he's lying. (obviously) and if he lets you burn it through, you might want to check if that's really him and not some kind of ghost. He mentioned that during the first kiss, she had her eyes wide open, now if i were to expect someone to close their eyes, i'd do the exact thing. But instead, he knew that she had her eyes open. Were you peeking, Bruno?

If you've been reading up to this point, it would seem as though i'm condemning Bruno Mars. Let me just make it clear that i'm not in any way a hater of him nor his works. I listen to his songs as well, and i must admit, it's pretty addictive.All i'm trying to convey is, do not push every men to be of the same traits as Bruno Mars, it's just not right. Once you've said it, it puts a fine line to the guide of expectations on the opposite sex who's trying to approach you. There's a thin line between adoring and expecting. Beware.

Last but not least, saying every guy should be like Bruno Mars is like saying every girl should be like Megan Fox. Ouch? Exactly my point.

Thursday, February 2

Assalamualaikum reader, erm antara dua orang nie kan agak2 nanti kalau aku da besar korang rase aku akan jadi macam yang mane satu? Haha. Kalau jadi Robert Pattinson bagus juga tapi nanti orang jealous pulak aku ade ramai peminat, hahaha. Kalau korang kate aku tak patut jadi Robert Pattinson okay tak ape aku akan cube jadi Taylor Lautner, kulit dia kan tak berape nak putih sangat macam aku xP. Btw, mereka berdua nie memang handsome2 belaka maklum la cerita The Twilight Saga kan cerita terromantik mesti la kena ade pelakon yang handsome, betul tak?

Kalau korang rase post nie merepak baik tak yah bace sebab aku saje je nak post benda nie, nak kasi tunjuk muka Taylor Lautner dengan Robert Pattinson yang handsome tu kan kan kan?. Okay la sampai sini je, jumpe lagi nest time. Bye. Salam.